Fly Fish Forever

Episode XVIII - A Lifetime of Fishing & Lefty Kreh with Bob Clouser

Fly Fishers International Season 1 Episode 18

On this week's episode, we have a really special opportunity to hear from one of fly-fishing's living legends, Bob Clouser. Bob isn't only famous as the inventor of the Clouser Minnow or as the author of Fly Fishing for Smallmouth in Rivers and Streams, he is a true icon of the Susquehanna River, the largest tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. We'll have the chance to hear some of Bob's life story, from growing up as a young boy in Central Pennsylvania, fishing his local streams, to the decades he spent as a fly shop owner and guide on the "Susky". However, much of the episode is actually devoted to reminiscing on the many memories that Bob has of fishing with his longtime friend, the late Lefty Kreh, a fellow Chesapeake watershed native and one of the most iconic fly anglers in history. 

Presented by Fly Fishers International
Sponsored by Costa Sunglasses & Cheeky Fishing