Fly Fish Forever
Fly Fish Forever
Episode XVI - Fly-Fishing the Delmarva Peninsula with Joe Bruce
After a five week hiatus, the Fly Fish Forever podcast returns for the final five episodes of Season I: Chesapeake with a very timely and relevant subject: the mighty-mite of the Esox world, the Chain Pickerel, a native species to the Chesapeake Bay watershed, which just happen to be fantastic quarry in the cold winter months. We'll have a chance to hear from one of the Region's most respected fly fishing educators, fly tiers and writers, Joe Bruce. He shares his experiences fishing with two of his long-time friends, Bob Clouser and Lefty Kreh, his knowledge of the unique low-lying ponds of the Delmarva Peninsula, and why after seven decades fishing in the watershed, he still believes the Cheseapeake Bay region is where it's at.
Presented by Fly Fishers International
Sponsored by Costa Sunglasses & Cheeky Fishing